I am a thorough, experienced, and passionate editor of all genres. Not a rubber stamper who exists to make you feel good about yourself but rather believe you have contacted me because you believe in your story and want it to be the best possible. I love relationship stories, ones that tug your heartstrings, end in full commitment, make you tear up (and if you can make this editor cry, you get a gold star!), reveal a life lesson, and leave you with "This was the best story ever" feeling.
I want to help you become a best seller, so I strive to give full value for my fee. Each manuscript receives the following services: On-line editing for character development, believability, plot elements/inconsistencies, repetition, grammar/punctuation/spelling/ misused and overused words, and whatever else strikes me. Once editing is complete, I return the marked-up copy and a detailed report of my opinions/suggestions.
Staff editor for Turquoise Morning Press (the best e-publishing house EVER!) and accepting new projects.
To my editor Karen
‘The Hammer’ Block. She taught this teacher a thing or two about writing. With
her tough love, I bring you a tale worthy to read. (Scott Kramer, Kara)
Karen Block
Novel Editor
Dedicated to Karen
Block and her sharp red pencil (Jan Scarborough, My Lord Raven)
Karen Block
Novel Editor
Karen, you made my
book better. For your close attention to tagging dialogue, baiting hooks, and
involving your daughter in pill bottle retrieval—in all these things, thank
you. (Jennifer Johnson, Rescuing Riley)
Karen Block
Novel Editor
My fantastic and very
patient editor, Karen Block, for her dedication to making Blind
Spot a great book. (Judy
Romaine, Blind
Karen Block
Novel Editor
Thank you a thousand
times for your edits. I have read the report and
skimmed your other notes and have already learned so much. By the time
I'm through I will have gotten a right thorough education!(Michelle Benningfield, Something for a Season)
Deborah Gafford
for the add Karen! Deborah Gafford
Suzanne Barrett
2012-04-15 Karen is my editor. Lucky me! She is thorough, professional and the best editor I've ever had. She understands what makes a story work.